Convent 8th grader, Fiona, shares insights from her Sacred Heart service project hosted by Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Miami, Florida.
Network Summer Service Projects bring Sacred Heart students together for an immersive learning experience that deepens their understanding of service to others. Available to both middle and high school students, these summer projects provide opportunities for meaningful service, advocacy and community partnership. From June 17–21, Convent 8th grader Fiona participated in Seeking New Frontiers: An Exploration of Modern Immigrants' Experiences, a four-day project for 7th and 8th graders across the Sacred Heart Network, held at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Miami, Florida. Reflecting on her experience, Fiona shared:
“In late June, I flew across the country to participate in the Network Summer Service Project: Seeking New Frontiers: An Exploration of Modern Immigrants' Experiences at our sister school, Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Miami, Florida. During my exchange to Miami I gained so much empathy, new experiences, and realization of what life is like for immigrants who come to the United States. The highlight of the trip was when we had the children and parents over from a program called Hermanos de la Calle. I became very close with one of the 10-year-old girls from the program who had immigrated from Columbia, and I still chat with her frequently on WhatsApp. While at Carrollton, I noticed numerous similarities such as the religious practices, decorations, and how the community felt just like ours at Convent. I was surprised how all the other Sacred Heart students were so much like me and how we all connected so quickly. I had an amazing time and I would recommend the experience to everyone!”
Photo of Convent 8th grader Fiona (center back) with fellow Sacred Heart students while at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Miami, Florida.