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Jennifer | Grade 11

Jennifer | Grade 11

By attending all-girl classes, I have developed confidence in myself and am no longer nervous to speak in single-sex or coed classes, no matter if I am right or wrong.

  • Subjects
    Math & History
  • Activities
    Volleyball & Singing
  • Space
    The Belvedere

Favorite Subjects
My favorite subjects are Math and History. I enjoy math due to its relevance in everyday life, and I also like history as I find it interesting to relate historical actions to current events.

Favorite School Activity
My favorite school activities are playing volleyball and singing. Being on a team has allowed me to make new friends from different grades, establish team camaraderie and develop leadership skills. I also like to sing at our assemblies and/or chapels as it allows me to share something I enjoy with my community.

Favorite School Tradition
My favorite school tradition is Congé. It is a random day that the student council chooses to take the day off and go have fun with the whole school. I love Congé because it's not only fun, but it's a great way to interact with the entire high school community.

Favorite Space on Campus
My favorite space on campus is the Belvedere because of its amazing view of the bay. I often enjoy studying there as it is a calm and serene atmosphere.

Best Part of Your Day
The best part of my day is my free period. During this time I can catch up and work ahead on schoolwork, meet with teachers if I need help or work on other projects. Since I am given this time during the day, it allows me to participate in more extracurricular activities and meet with family and friends after school.

Favorite School Project
A school project that I am most proud of is my English Identity Project. I think that our own identities are often overshadowed by expectations and standards, however, this project allowed me to discover more about myself as I got to reflect on my transparent self.

Benefits of Single-Sex Classes, Coed Community
In the past, I have been afraid to speak up in coed classes because I was afraid of saying the wrong answer. However, by attending all-girl classes, I have developed confidence in myself and am no longer nervous to speak in single-sex or coed classes, no matter if I am right or wrong.

Last Book Read That Was Not Assigned
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Future Career Path/Fields of Interest
In the future, I could see myself pursuing a career in business, particularly in the entertainment or music industry. I have a passion for music and math so this field might be a good combination of the two.