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Dylan | Grade 6

Dylan | Grade 6

My favorite subject is Latin because it expands my vocabulary. Once upon a time, my parents said that once I learned to read, a whole new world would open up to me. It's true.

  • Subject
  • Activity 
  • Tradition

Favorite Subject
My favorite subject is Latin because it expands my vocabulary. Once upon a time, my parents said that once I learned to read, a whole new world would open up to me. It's true. I still believe it to this day. I am hoping that Latin will boost my vocabulary and expand the reading world for me.

Favorite School Activity
My favorite school activity is probably basketball. Because I am a new kid, basketball is what has helped me make a lot of new friends. I suggest that every new kid should find a sport or something else that will help them make lots of friends.

Favorite School Tradition
My favorite school tradition is Congé because we celebrate a year of hard work with friends and classmates. The staff here at Stuart Hall for Boys considers Congé to be part of school. They believe that we should get a day of rest and have some fun. I love it here at Stuart Hall!

Favorite Space on Campus
I love going to Syufy Court after school because I get very tired after a long day of school and running around is so relaxing. I go to Syufy a lot and I love it there. Syufy brings back good memories.

Best Part of Your Day
The best part of my day is at lunch because everybody is so friendly. The food is pretty good, and most of the time I make new friends! At lunch we have a lot of options. There is a cold cut section, there is a soup section, there is a salad bar and so on. That is one of the best parts of my day.

Favorite School Project
A school project that I am proud of is the Stele project for History class. It was made out of cardboard, and my team and I had to cut every single little piece of cardboard. It was hard work. That project and many others have taught me that not everything comes easy.

Benefits of Single-Sex Classes, Coed Community
I like being in an all-boys school because you get to see a lot of different boys and learn how to be their friend. I had to learn that lesson and it will help me in years to come. Being in a coed school is also good. You get to interact with boys and girls.

Last Book Read That Was Not Assigned
Born a Crime kids edition by Trevor Noah

Future Career Path/Fields of Interest
Honestly, I don't quite see what I am going to pursue but I would want to be an inventor, an NBA player, a YouTuber or an engineer.